Langtang Climbing

Langtang Climbing

Langtang Area Peak Climbing was Expeditions at 7, 234 meters high summit which leads to one of the world’s best trekking destinations in the awesome Langtang Valley with fabulous scenery. Langtang Area Peak Climbing is controlled and managed by Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA). As a member company of NMA, we are authorized to obtain climbing permits and operate the climbing expeditions for our clients.

Aarohi Holiday will assure you that we guide you more skillfully and skill Peak Climbing in Nepal. We will make sure of your particularly altitude sickness Process. Well, several of Peak climbing dangerous and challenging. We always there for you more experience climbing guides, local mountain porters with all the essential equipment, Accessories, food. We assure you that your Langtang Area Peak Climbing is a memorable one.

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