Everest Climbing

The Everest Climbing within the Himalayas presents one in every of the world’s greatest physical and mental challenges with such an exquisite feeling of pride and therefore the sense of being the foremost adventurous person on the earth. The South Col route on the Nepal side of Mt. Everest is that the route was taken by Sir Edmund Hillary and mountaineer Sherpa who was the primary to climb Everest successfully on the 29 May 1953 thus became world’s famous heroes of the journey climbing. Everest Area Peak Climbing has been successfully guided and climbed again and again since then, but this could not quiet prospective Everest Climbing into complacency – Climbing Everest is that the ultimate challenge. To affix our International Everest Expedition team in Nepal, you need to have extensive mountaineering experience of climbing expeditions a minimum of 6000 meters in addition as an experience of scaling difficult alpine mountain peaks, preferably, some climbing experience of the 7000 or 8000-meter peaks within the Himalayas. Although fixed ropes are used, Everest expedition members must be able to ascend and descend fixed lines independently and be proficient with Championing on very steep ice and snow slopes.

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