Mt. Kailash Overland Trip


10 days

Max Height




Starting Price

$ 1550

The journey from Kathmandu to Mount Kailash holds deep spiritual significance for Hindus, Bons,
Buddhists, and Jains alike. Mount Kailash is revered as the ultimate pilgrimage destination, where souls
from across the world seek spiritual enlightenment and connection.

This sacred mountain is not only a place of profound devotion but is also believed to be the divine abode
of Lord Shiva, often referred to as “The God of all Gods” in Hinduism. Additionally, Lake Manasarovar,
located in close proximity to Mount Kailash, is considered the embodiment of Brahma’s essence in
Hindu beliefs, further enhancing the spiritual aura of this sacred region.

  • Day 1: Drive to Kerung (2900 M)
  • Early Morning drive to Kerung that is 175 Km. We will provide you pack breakfast on the way and Lunch at Nepal/China border. Walk along for 10 minutes to cross the bridge. After accomplishment all the immigration and custom formalities meet Chinese guide and Bus drivers, and then processed the journey to Kerung Arrival at Kerungand overnight stay in a Hotel.

  • Day 2: Rest Day at Kerung (2,900 m.)
  • It is more a day for acclimatization.

  • Day 3: Saga/4450m or Dongba: (Labug-La 5050m,)
  • Peku-tso and Saga, 245 km) On the first long driving day over the sandy and rocky land of Tibet, other sites like lake, nomads chasing thousands of yaks and sheep, keep you busy. By the late afternoon you will cross BhramhaPurtra River on the way to typical Chinese and Tibetan town. Overnight in Saga.

  • Day 4: Manasarover (4558m) 500 km:
  • The longest driving day starts with full of excitement, Jeeps and trucks roll on the wide valley following rivers and grazing land of yaks and sheep. Far south you can see snow covered peaks nearby you, lots of rocky peaks and sand dunes give you an ideal world. Depends on season, nomads and other mobile shopkeepers are attired by beautiful traditional costume, waiting for your arrival with hot tea and other supplies along with big smile.By the late afternoon you can have the first sight of Holy Kailash Parbat and Manasarovara. Hore, it is a small village nearby Lake Manasarover. Holy-Manasarovara: At 14950-ft/ 4558m. The highest lake of fresh water with turquoise complexion in the world is full of fishes and swans. Holy Kailash Parbat, Mt. Gurula-Mandata, Lake Rashekshi are laying on its surrounding. The region is considered rich for gold and other mines, hot springs and hundreds of wild living creatures. Night halt beside Manasarovar.

  • Day 5: Puja and drive to Tarchen (14975ft):
  • Manasarovara is the lake of compassion, tranquility and bliss. After completing the memorable morning Bath and Puja we will be heading towards Tarchen. It is considered as a base camp for the Holy Kailash Parikrama.

  • Day 6: Trek to DeharaPuk/5000m:
  • It is one of the exciting days walking along the beautiful rocky cliffs; waterfalls with some clouds in the clear blue sky makes you feel the Great God Shiva is everywhere with tons of blessings to you. Time to time the face of Kailash Parbat will keep on appearing. For 18 km trail it takes almost 7 hrs.

  • Day 7: Trek Derapuk – Zuthulphuk:
  • Hardest but Holiest day of your pilgrimage Yatra with Dolma-La (pass) of 18600ft between two valleys: Yamasthal should be crossed to reach the Shiva-sthal, here there is the symbolical death, Pilgrimages leave the Old clothes, spin of hair or a drop of Blood in hope, that terrible Yamraja (The master of death) will attention to these signs and will allow the Yatries (travelers) to be born in spirit to pass Dolma- La. The pass associates at Buddhists with the goddess Container, and at Hindu with Parvati, divine wife misters Shiva. On the pass tourists and pilgrimage hang out the Tibetan flags, On success. While your steps goes closer to the pass, Once you reach the top, just do the holiest offerings and sit down for meditation to forget yourself. Once your steps go down, Parvati-sthal and Gauri Kunda are on the way. By the late afternoon you will arrive at ZuthalPuk (the cave of Miracles. The great ascetic Milerappa is supposed to have performed miracles here).

  • Day 8: End of Kailash Parikrama and drive to Dongba After short Trek (2 hrs)
  • And reach to the point where the coach will be waiting and we will drive to Darchenand merge with other members who were waiting and drive to Dongba. Overnight stay at Guesthouse in Dongba.

  • Day 9: Back journey, drive to Kerung City – 270 km / 5.5 hrs.
  • Overnight stay at Guesthouse

  • Day 10: Drive back to Kathmandu (175 km)
  • Drive back to Kathmandu (175 km)

What's included ?


All transportation by bus.

Service of our trekking equipment and Sherpa staff.

All trekking and camping equipment including Sleeping bags and oxygen cylinders.

All Sightseeing and entrance fee as per the itinerary.

All Necessary Travel and Trekking Permit.

All full Board Basis.

What's excluded ?

Yak, Porter and Horse for person use.

Using extra night at Hotel expect mentioned on the itinerary.

Rescue/ evacuation or all the extra cost because of partition from the main group or serious health condition.

Any International flight.

Extra Night accommodation in Kathmandu.

Any extra transportation/Accommodation/visa cancelation charge (who separate from the main group and early return).


  • How many days required for Mt. Kailash Yatra?

  • Mount Kailash Yatra require 10 days from Kathmandu to Kathmandu Through by Kerung (Nepal Tibet Border)

  • How we will be doing 10 days Yatra?

  • Kathmandu to Kerung (Nepal – Tibet border) tourist bus will be used. In Tibet, Toyota
    Landcruiser or Luxury Bus will be used. Routing Kathmandu – Kerung – Saga -Paryang
    Mansarovar – Darchen – Dirapuk – Zuthulpuk – Darchen – Paryang – Saga -Kerung – Kathmandu

  • In how many days would I finish Mt. Kailash Parikarma and how long it is?

  • A. Holy Kailash parikarma is approx 52 kms trek to be completed in 2 nights / 3 Days. Night
    camping in Dirapuk & Zuthul-puk.

  • What is the best time to travel?

  • Holy Mt. Kailash yatra starts in the last week of April till September every year.

  • What is Land cruiser?

  • Land cruiser is four wheels driven Japanese vehicle. We allow maximum four people in one
    Land cruiser + 1 driver + 1 Sherpa (staff).

  • How many days would I need to hire the Yak / Horse and a Porter during the whole trip and how much it costs?

  • If you do not want to trek you can hire horse/pony for parikarma. Parikarma (kora) that is for 3
    days. It will cost you approx. Yuan 1200 per Yak with Yak man.

  • What are the hidden charges i.e. to be paid direct?

  • Additional expenses incurred due to delay, Accidents, Natural disaster & Political action.
    Following are the charges not included during yatra. – Yak and Yak man cost – Rescue or
    evacuation if need, Tibet visa separation cost – Travel insurance, drink, laundry, Telephone/fax,
    Additional transportation cost. – If you are not going for Kailash Parikrama due to any reason
    and staying back at Darchen for three days, you have to pay extra INR 1500 per day for
    accommodation and food in Darchen.

  • How much amount we should carry and in what form whether travelers cheque, Doller or Tibetan cash or Indian Rupees

  • In Kathmandu you may use USD OR Indian Currency (however denominations of INR 500 &
    1000 are not allowed in Nepal). For Tibet you will need Chinese Yuan only. for 8 days in Tibet
    we suggest you to carry approx. Yuan 2500-3500 Per Person. Which you may need for
    emergency and to pay for horse during Kailash Parikrama. Balance (unused Yuan) may be
    exchanged again on the way back. INR 100 = NPR 160 INR 100 = CNY 10.5 (CHINESE YUAN) You
    can exchange Yuan in Kathmandu or in Tibet border. Most of the yatri exchange their currency
    in Nepal-Tibet border.

  • How about accommodation facilities etc?

  • 3/4 Star hotel accommodation in Kathmandu and guest house accommodation in Tibet.
    However, camping accommodation will be provided during parikrama of Holy Kailash.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

  • Cancellation Policy: 30 days before departure date, INR 15,000 will be charged as cancellation.
    15 days before departure date, INR 25,000 will be charged as cancellation. 07 days before
    departure date, No refund allowed.

  • Do you provide something?

  • We Provide: · Camping Equipment’s (to be returned at the end) ·Sleeping bags (down with
    inside extra cover), (to be returned at the end) · Jacket (down) (to be returned at the end) ·
    Oxygen Back-up & Gaymo Bag

  • What medical reports do I need to carry?

  • No medical report is required but we insist every yatri to consult their doctor before traveling
    to high altitude. Also every yatri must declare their physical status and specify if they are
    allergic to any medicine.
    Besides the passport what other official documents will I need on the yatra?
    You need to carry:- Valid Passport with 4 passport size photographs Medical Insurance Policy.
    (Not compulsory)

  • Is it essential or good to commence the tour on a full moon day?

  • You can commence your yatra any day. Some people prefer to reach at Mansarovar or Kailash
    on full moon day.

  • Can we take children with age group of 6 and 10 years?

  • Yes, can take children (physically normal) along with you but at your own risk because you
    know your child better.

  • What are the precautions taken for the children?

  • You have to take same precautions as you are taking for yourself.

  • Will one oxygen cylinder be sufficient for four of us?

  • Our team will provide oxygen cylinder in emergency. Usually, oxygen cylinder is not required.
    However, some yatri prefer to carry their own handy oxygen cylinders. You may buy small
    portable cylinder in Tibet. It may cost approx. Yuan 20-50 Per cylinder.

  • What will be the charges for children?

  • Yatra cost is same for children.

  • Will your cook be traveling with us during the entire trip.? Will he be carrying stove and utensils can he make vegetarian items.

  • Yes, cooks will be traveling with you during the entire trip. They will carry all necessary cooking
    items with them and you will get only vegetarian food during yatra.

  • Can we prescribe the menu for cooking on daily basis?

  • Yes, you may discuss and suggest your choice. If possible and other yatris agree our cook will
    not mind cooking your choice of food.

  • Is VISA cost included in the total tour cost?

  • Yes, cost of Tibet Visa is included. However, cost of Nepal visa is not included (applicable for
    foreign nationals only). Indian passport holders do not need Nepal Visa.

  • Can we find some helpers to help our kids/luggage during the trekking part of the journey? Will they be available there or do we have to take them with us.

  • Yes, you can get helpers/porters for your kids/luggage; the charge may be approx. Yuan 150 per

  • What will be the arrangement in case there is any break down of vehicle (Land Cruiser)?

  • We will send another Vehicle (Land Cruiser).

  • Are there any frequent landslides on the way?

  • No, it depends on weather.

  • Is good sanitation available during the camping days?

  • Yes, toilet tents may be made available.

  • Availability of drinking water on the yatra?

  • Water bottles / pure natural mineral water, or water purification tablets may be made

  • Where we can find facial cream and all other items?

  • You can buy everything in Kathmandu, Nepal. Our executive will guide/help you.

  • Can I bring video camera and digital camera? Weather we will have possibility to recharge the batteries or is there any restrictions to use these things.

  • Yes, you can bring camera & videos along with you. The voltage in Tibet is 220V. Can be re
    charging most of the places but not during 3 days parikrama. We suggest traveling with extra

  • What about communication possibilities?

  • Darchen (base camp of Mt. Kailash) is the last point where communication facility is available.
    Mobile will not work in Kailash region. It works only in town.

  • Is there any Pundit available?

  • No, you have to bring your Pundit.

  • When we should book the Holy Mt. Kailash Yatra and how to book?

  • You should book this yatra minimum 45 days in advance. To book, we need copy of passport
    (1st page only) with 25% advance deposit.

  • Is it necessary to send our document with advance 45 days before?

  • Yes, we must send copy of your passport to China for approval.

  • How can we make advance payment?

  • We have following payment options: – Pay on line through credit card OR – Swift transfer to
    OUR BANK account. Contact us for our bank details. – Pay by credit card. – Send a Demand Draft
    by courier.
    If we are not feeling comfortable or physically fit for parikarma then what we will do.
    In such case, you must stay back in Darchen for 3 days.

  • What type of medical test is required for this trip?

  • TMT test. (not compulsory)

  • What we must carry?

  • Be sure you have the needy items! Warm clothes, water bottle, water purification tabs, sun tan
    lotion utility knife, dusk musk, medicine for headaches, fever, colds, stomach disorders and
    diamox (unless you are allergic to sulpha drugs) for altitude sickness, It is also good to carry dry
    fruit, juice powder, breads, candy, canned or packed food, nuts, pickles and biscuits. * if you do
    not have any of the above items, our executive will assist you in Kathmandu

  • Do you have any age restriction?

  • No, we do not have any age restrictions. If you are physically fit you may travel but sometime
    Chinese Authority do not permit for people aged 65 or above. We insist everyone to consult
    with their doctor and must mention that you are going to high altitude. Many of old aged
    people travelled with us and have successfully done the parikrama.

Additional Information

  • Packing List for Mt. Kailash and Lake Mansarovar Tour
  • 1 warm down jacket
  • 1 pair of wind proof jacket and trouser
  • Warm sleeping bag
  • Warm and head cover hat / cap
  • 2 pairs warm inside thermal
  • 2 pairs warm trouser/ paint
  • Warm but light waited sweeter or jacket
  • 2/3 pairs light t-shirt
  • 1 pair of light walking shoes for morning and evening walking / while stay at lodge side
  • Another pair of water proof warm trekking shoes
  • Pairs good and warm shocks
  • Sun cream, sun glass
  • Rain coat
  • Trekking stick for 3 days Kailashparikrama (you can buy it in Darchen)
  • Your regular using medicine
  • Duffel bag to put your goods (This bag separately stay at bus and you will get it every evening)
  • Small back carry bag (day bag)
  • Sleeping bag
  • Water flash to put warm water throughout the tour
  • Sun cream, Vick
  • Sun glass
  • Camera to take picture for your trip memory.

    • Provide us your requirements

        Trip Overview
        • Meal

          Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
          during the trek

        • Min. Group Size


        • Country
        • Starts from:
        • Ends at:

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